Let’s travel together.

Where We’re Traveling in 2020

A new year and a new decade are officially underway, so we’re starting them both off with a big adventurey bang! Well, at least one of us is. Here’s an entirely incomplete list of our top travel destinations for 2020!

(Hint: It’s all the places we’re actually going. Because obviously the best places to visit this year are the places The Adventure Dudes are gonna be. Duh.)

Top travel destination for 2020 - Galapagos Islands

Ecuador & Galapagos Islands

To kick off 2020, James is embarking on a solo adventure to the Galapagos Islands this month. And just in time. This unique preserve that served as the inspiration for Darwin’s theory of evolution was already threatened by climate change and oil spills, but in 2019 it was announced that the US military would start using Galapagos landing strips. This news was met with outcries from South Americans and the environmental communities, so it remains to be seen how this development impacts this fragile ecosystem.

It would be a real tragedy if the Galapagos were damaged. Sadly, it seems like this is a case of ‘see it while you can’, and I’m glad James is getting that opportunity. WE BETTER GET ALL THE TURTLE AND BOOBY PICS!

“The Galapagos Islands were named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1978. The archipelago is home to many endemic species including giant tortoises, penguins, finches, hawks, and iguanas. Among its wealth of marine life are several species of shark including hammerheads and whale sharks, giant manta and eagle rays and sea lions.” – CNN

I’m not jealous. I swear.


Wichita, Kansas

Meanwhile, Andrew’s going to…….. Kansas. Definitely comparable, don’t you think? Yeah, so this is definitely not a top travel destination for 2020. No offense to any Kansans reading. But Andrew’s got a gig performing a few shows with the Wichita Symphony, so he’ll be there for almost a week. Feel free to send any food recommendations!

Which brings us to…


In early March, James will be romping around in Hawaii with his buddy BJ (check out his insta – YER WELCOME), an honorary and maybe soon-to-be actual member of The Adventure Dudes. You’ll have to ask them what their plans are because I have no idea. But suffice it to say it probably includes sun, sand, and a whoooooole lotta guns out. Should be a good time.

Top travel destination for 2020 - Malaysia


Also in March, Andrew’s performing job takes him to somewhere a little more exciting – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! This will be the first time EVER that Andrew’s left the Western Hemisphere. Took long enough!

Modern, affordable, and with English widely spoken, Malaysia is a really accessible place to travel for Westerners. Tucked in between Thailand and Indonesia, Malaysia also has pristine beaches, lush jungles, and the tallest mountains in Southeast Asia. It’s also one of the 17 megadiverse countries on earth that together harbor the majority of all plant and animal species! So cool. Malaysia seems pretty perfect for an Andrew-style adventure!


Once you’re in Southeast Asia, you might as well explore, since getting around is extremely affordable. And since Singapore and Malaysia share the same peninsula, this one was a no-brainer. Andrew’s only doing about 50 or so hours in this bustling island-city-state of a metropolis, but you can be sure he’ll stuff his face with as much street food as he possibly can – ESPECIALLY THE CRICKETS AND OTHER WEIRD CREEPY CRAWLIES. (He says this now. Jury’s out on whether or not he’ll actually follow through. Stay tuned).

top travel destination for 2020 - Cambodia


As we announced on our Facebook and Instagram, the BIG adventure for the year will be Cambodia! From Singapore, Andrew will fly over to Phnom Penh, where James will meet him for a two-week romp through the primordial sweatbox that is Cambodia. The itinerary is already set! The boys will explore dark jungle temples, taste all the local foods, walk with Buddhist monks and chillax on a remote, wifi and electricity-free island in the Gulf of Thailand. Ooooh this one’s gonna be good.

The most exciting thing about Cambodia from a traveling perspective is just how cheaply you can do it. Visiting the classic Angkor Wat will set us back a pretty penny, but everything else costs next to nothing! Currently, with all our transportation, accommodations and tours booked, our two weeks are running us about $17 a day before food. That’s… that’s just insane. Stay tuned for a detailed breakdown of where we’re going, how we’re getting there, and the costs!


Helena, Montana

In May, Andrew’s got a couple of days to explore Helena, Montana. Same as Wichita above, send recommendations if you’ve got ’em!

Calgary and Banff, Alberta, Canada

James went last year and wrote about it HERE. This June, Andrew’s gonna take a crack at Banff National Park – a place he’s been wanting to visit for years. So at the very least, you’ll get Banff from a second perspective this year! Broken record time: leave tips in the comments if you’ve got ’em!

…And More!

This list covers the first half of 2020, but there’s certain to be more adventure coming down the pipeline. From Andrew’s climbing trips to James’ cruise gigs, the second half of 2020 won’t disappoint!

Where else do you think we need to get this year? Where are YOU traveling this year? What are your top travel destinations for 2020? Leave a comment below!

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  1. BJ says

    Go to the moon!

    1. Andrew says

      Can you put us in touch with Richard Branson?

  2. Susan Cohen says

    When you are in Singapore, I highly recommend Haw Par Villa. It isn’t on most people’s rader, but I remembered it from when I was a child and revisited a few years ago. It definitely lived up to my memory.

    1. Andrew says

      My absolute favorite places are the spots that aren’t on most folks’ radar! Thanks for the tip!

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